Friday 7 May 2010


Just had a wonderful couple of days down in Edinburgh :o)
Had a FAB conference to go to on Wednesday, so I went down on Tuesday and stayed overnight at a hotel (A stayed up here with Granny).
Spent a couple of hours enjoying the art_gallery on Tuesday afternoon, then had a delicious meal in this restaurant.
The conference itself was really interesting, entitled: Nutrition for Learning, Behaviour and Mood. Some fantastic speakers, lots of evidence and information I can use in my writing, in fact its really inspired me to write more on nutrition. It has also challenged some of my fundemental beliefs about my own diet, and left me in a bit of a quandry about that, but thats for me to try and get my head around :o/

Some pics from my hotel room window:

I'm refusing to blog anything about the election - I cast my vote, we've discussed various issues and followed whats going on, but I find the whole thing too depressing for words.

Thanks to lovely Hannah we made this today:

It caught our eye when we were looking at her blog, and A was very keen to make one ('keen' about maths - whats going on?!?) I think it appeals because of the colours and shape - the 'artyness' of it. It can be used the same way as the multiplication square, but I'm thinking (hoping) that because it appeals in a visual way it might have more impact on taking in the info. Whatever works!

We also rediscovered a story we started writing together well over a year ago (in fact it might be more like two years!). We had done character descriptions, including drawings, as well as planning the skeleton of the story, then put it all in a folder and put it away in a drawer. Once we reminded ourselves of what we'd done previously the story started flowing, and we got a few pages down. Hopefully it wont be another two years before we get it out again!


Hannah said...

Lovely clock ;o)
The nutrition talk sounds very interesting. Did it inspire you to make any major changes?

K said...

Hi Hannah,
the conference focussed a lot on omega 3 fatty acids, and the research thats been done on them over the last few years. What has been made clear to me is that marine sources really are the only effective way of getting these essential nutrients, in the form of DHA, in your diet. What I previously believed - that the body could process other types (from plant sources) of omega 3 into DHA - has been shown in independent studies to be insufficient for the body's needs.

One of the reasons I became vegan was because I believed it to be a really healthy diet, and I think in every other way it is, but these pesky omega 3s have completely thrown me! So I may well be making a major change in my diet :o/

K said...
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Hannah said...

Wow! That's a huge change to make. I'm not surprised you're feeling thrown. It sounds like a big source of inspiration for your writing though.